Why do your clear cases turn yellow? Know these hacks to avoid it!

There can be nothing more disheartening than your clear mobile cases turning yellow. A clear and glowing cover adds to the beauty of your mobile phone. However, soon after purchasing the case, it starts turning yellow. The yellow-colored case gives an unattractive and drab look to the mobile phone. You need not worry as there are ways to reverse the yellowing. Almost all of us have faced this trouble with our phones at some point in life. It would be more than exultant to get clear cases that don’t turn yellow. Initially, the mobile covers are translucent and change color with usage. Let us see why this happens and how we can circumvent this problem.
Why do Phone cases turn Yellow?
Mobile cases get made from a variety of polymers and their mixtures. The TPA/BPA produces a clear casing but compromises with the flexibility. To make it stretchy and more flexible, we use silicone. This polymer has the property to turn yellow with aging. Some external factors also contribute to the early yellowing of the mobile cases.
• Ultraviolet Rays
Silicone changes its color when exposed to sunlight. If you use your device out in the Sun, there is a probability that it will have yellow stains on its back. The UV rays lead to destabilizing the bromine used in the casing. The bromine molecules impart a yellow color to the case.
• Oils from skin & products
Our skin naturally secrets out oils even if, do not put any lotion on it. Oil oozes out from the pores and sticks to the things that come in its contact. The Oil and sweat leeching from the skin speed up the yellowing of the mobile cases
• Extreme temperatures & friction
UV rays are the prominent factor contributing to the yellowing of the mobile covers. Apart from this, the surrounding temperature also affects the color of the cases. A high temperature degrades silicone. Also, the friction against the hand paces the oxidation process.
Simple Hacks to Avoid Yellowing of the Case
Once your Mobile case has turned yellow, it is tricky to reverse the process and make it clear again. However, there are some hacks that you can follow to maintain the transparency of the cover.
1. Clean Regularly
Frequently washing the mobile casing lessens the chances of it getting yellow. Make cleaning casing with water and soap your everyday habit. Let it dry all before you put it back. Also, remove the cover when going to sleep, as our skin produces more Oil at night. Use of mobile phone while sleeping can coat it with excess Oil.
2. Stay at cool places
By cool places, we mean places with not a very high temperature. A drop in the temperature will lower the degradation of silicone. Avoid taking your phone near fireplaces, in the kitchen, or near heated devices. Not only for yellowing, but it will also help to protect your device from damage caused by heat.
3. Reduce Oils
It may sound like a joke to reduce oils from the body because it is practically impossible to do that. By reducing Oils, we mean to avoid touching the casing when you can use it from a distance. When on a call, you can try talking with your speaker. The best alternative could be to use earphones while on a long call. It can keep your mobile away from your touch for a considerably long time.
4. Scrub with Toothbrush
You can try this hack when you start to see some little yellow spots on the casing. Take some baking soda and apply it to the back of the mobile cover. With the help of a wet brush, rub the back of the case emphasizing the areas of yellow spots. Rinse the casing thoroughly with water. Baking Soda is a proven remedy for getting rid of stains. It can help to maintain a clear case.
5. Use Alcohol to wash
Alcohol is effective and powerful for stains. Dip a wet cloth in the Alcohol and rub the case. Use very little Alcohol, as using it in excess may decolorize the cover and make it look uglier.
Mobile covers protect the device from heat, dust, and damage. Every person likes a clear and clean case. However, the silicone cases get dirty with time and develop yellow patches. There are many reasons for the yellowing of the covers. Once they turn yellow, it’s a long process to get back as new. It may not always work out. The hacks discussed above will help you to prevent this yellowing.